The new theory test booking system, for England, Scotland and Wales, will go live at 08:00 on 19 July 2021. When the new system goes live, all car, motorcycle, lorry and bus theory tests from 6 September 2021 will be available to book. ADI part 1 and DVSA enhanced rider scheme trainer theory tests will also be available to book. You can continue to book test dates for on or before 3 September using the current booking system in the usual way. When you book a test on GOV.UK you will now be asked to choose a date for your test at the start of the booking process. You will automatically be directed to the correct booking system depending on the date you select. Practical test bookings are not affected by the changes to our theory test booking system. Booking or changing a test dateYou can book test dates from Monday 6 September on the new system. New dates will be added to the booking system each week. If you want to change a theory test appointment date for a test booked on or before 3 September, to a date on or after 6 September you will need to cancel your current test on GOV.UK and rebook online using the new booking system. This is because the 2 booking systems are separate. Refunds will be issued for cancelled tests as normal. Theory test bookings with additional support can only be cancelled or rescheduled by contacting the customer contact centre. Theory test centre locationsThe location of many theory test centres will change from 6 September. Please check the ‘find your nearest theory test centre’ page on GOV.UK to quickly see where your closest centre will be from 6 September. Unfortunately, some addresses for the new theory test centre locations we shared with you on 12 July are still to be confirmed. This means you won’t be able to book a test at them from 6 September. We will write to you as soon as we can to let you know the remaining new addresses and when you can book at the new theory test centres. In the meantime, candidates who want to book a theory test before their closest theory test centre opens can use ‘find your nearest theory test centre’ on GOV.UK to find the nearest alternative centre. We are sorry for any inconvenience this might cause. Customer enquiriesFor booking enquiries about tests due to take place on or before 3 September only, please continue to contact Pearson VUE: From 19 July, for booking enquiries about tests due to take place on or after 6 September, please contact DVSA customer contact centre as it will be taking over the service from Pearson VUE: |